Friday, June 16, 2017

Last night was truly inspiring. To be surrounded by hundreds of caregivers, advocates, volunteers and philanthropists all with the same goal in their minds and hearts was amazing and energizing. 
Jonathan Kraft spoke and he said something that resonated with us - one philanthropist can't raise or donate all of the funds to support this cause...not one single caregiver can give all the care or do all of the research and not one volunteer can be everywhere and help everyone...but together we can. Every single one of us matters. That is an awesome message for the boys (for all of us) to carry with them throughout their lives. Never feel like you're too young or too small or that your contribution doesn't matter. It all matters. Every single little bit. YOU matter.

So give of yourself...and teach those you love to give of themselves too!

"No one has ever become poor from giving."

XO The Bennett Family