In May of 2016, our friend and classmate was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. We knew right away that we wanted to help. We learned that cancer patients' lips and skin could get dry and chapped from chemo treatments, and that is when we thought of the idea to make and sell lip balm to raise money.
With help from our parents, we started researching recipes and testing different ingredients until we came up with the right formula for our balm. It was really important to us to use only the best, natural, and organic ingredients in our balm, so that it would be gentle enough for cancer patients’ sensitive skin. By July of 2016, we were up and running and by August, we sold enough balm to make our first donation in the amount of $587 to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA. A few months after launching our lip balm, we added more products, including a balm that helps with nausea called Tummy Troubles.
Bennett Brothers Balm is made by our family, in our kitchen, always with cancer patients in mind, and 100% of our profits are donated. A portion of the money we raise goes into a fund that Dana-Farber set up for our friend’s oncologist, Dr. Amy Billett. In 2021, Dr. Angela Feraco replaced Dr. Billett as Associate Program Director, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program and she now oversees Dr. Billet’s Hodgkin’s Research Fund.
For the past few years, we have been working with a number of nonprofits across the country who carry our products. Our balm has been included in chemo care pouches at cancer centers throughout the United States, as well as toiletry pouches for teens at a local Boys and Girls Club. Bennett Brothers Balm has even made it all the way to India to help support the charity, Children are Angels from Heaven! We love partnering with organizations who share our mission, and we hope to continue to make new connections and work together in the fight against cancer.
In addition to our Balm fundraising, we have also participated in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night Fundraiser. In 2018 we were invited by the LLS to co-chair “The Executive Challenge”. Not only did we encourage other businesses in our community to raise money for LLS, we also set our own personal fundraising goal at $10,000 and exceeded this by raising a total of $16,000, becoming the top fundraisers that year!
Each summer we host a fundraising hike to raise money for a local camp for pediatric cancer patients and survivors. Camp Casco offers kids with cancer a chance to boost self-esteem, increase independence, and create lifelong friendships. For the past two summers, Harry has had the opportunity to volunteer as a camp counselor for Camp Casco’s Day Camp, where he has met some amazing and inspiring campers and fellow counselors.
The past 8 years of our lives have been dedicated to raising money and advocating for pediatric cancer research because we truly believe in this cause and the importance of giving back to our community. Billions of dollars are spent each year to fund cancer research but childhood cancer receives only 4% of federal government funding. Without money to fund life-saving research, new treatments will not be found. We believe that children deserve more than 4%!
To date Bennett Brothers Balm has donated more than $43,000 to cancer research and patient care in New England. I hope that our work will inspire other young people to want to give back in their own ways.
To all of those who are currently battling cancer, or have a child or loved one with cancer, we want you to know that you are not alone - we are fighting with you.
-Harry and Heath Bennett
June, 2016
George Washington Honor Medal from Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Ligia Taylor Memorial Scholarship
Sister Margaret Ann Athy Award
The National Catholic Educational Association's Youth Virtues, Vision and Valor Award
Young Entrepreneurs Award - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Ones To Watch Award - Leukemia & Lymphoma Society